Even before autumn has ended, this far south the puddles will be covered with thick ice well after midday and famously-strong wind gusts will indeed almost blow trekkers to the ground. Hear avalanches of snow tumble down the side of mountains as you hike the W trek in Torres del Paine, glaciers creak under the weak midday sun in El Calafate, and wait for the sound of your tent zipper snapping the frost as you emerge at 8am – before the sun has come up.
These are just some of the perks of travelling around Patagonia in winter.
But if snow isn’t covering the landscapes, you’ll be surprised to find vibrant green forests and grasslands, and maybe even spot a puma on the prowl.
These are the colours of early winter in Chilean and Argentinian Patagonia.
Glacier Grey is one big piece of ice.
Packing up one hell of a frosty tent. It’ll leave your fingers numb.
You will work up a sweat. But sit for four minutes and you’ll want to start hiking to get warm again.
Reflections of the Horns of Paine on a clear, non-windy day.
Watching avalanches tumble down the Frances Valley.
If rain falls, just be glad it’s not sleet.
The grass is still green at this time of year.
Watching the last rays of sun slip off the peaks, and knowing it’s going to be a cold, cloudless night.
The colours of autumns leaves.
Pebbles and hiking boots do not go well together.
Clouds cover the mountains, promising a potentially slippery path to walk on.
It rained overnight, so the snow became frozen, slippery like ice.
Torres del Paine hiding in the clouds in the distance.
The Fitz Roy range and a frozen lake beneath the mountains.
Hiking to Laguna Torre.
Cerro Torre, one of the regions famous peaks, is out of sight, hiding behind the clouds.
Perito Moreno Glacier is one of the only glaciers in the world in a state of equilibrium.
Standing on the board walk, listening to the ice crack and fall into the lake.
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